A Salesian priest is called to be a sign of Christ the Good Shepherd. A large number of Salesians have felt the call to priesthood. Working together with the Salesian Brother, the Salesian Priest is ordained to serve the needs of the young to whom he is sent. His greatest gift is to bring them the sacraments, especially Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
He is, above all, their teacher in the faith of the Catholic Church. As a spiritual leader to their generation, the Salesian Priest is specifically trained to ‘tune in’ to the needs and interests of the young and he pays attention to their particular craving for understanding, love and guidance. Always young at heart, he becomes their friend!
It is a common sight to find a Salesian priest in all kinds of recreational settings with the young, involved in their leisure activities and helping them to prepare for the future through a solid Christian education with values that will last a lifetime.
He helps young people develop a spiritual life, so as to become integral parts of the local church. The Salesian priest brings the church to the young through his presence in schools, parishes, youth centers, retreat houses, and in any worthwhile activity in which young people can be found.
The Salesian Brothers commit themselves to follow the call of Christ who welcomes the young and the poor in their midst. As a vowed member of the Salesian community, each Brother brings his own talents, gifts and personality to the service of the Church.
He shares the Gospel message of hope and life with the young to whom he ministers. He joins other professed Salesian priests, brothers and sisters, in the vision and the meaning of life in a community setting. Living as members of the Salesian Family, they contribute responsibilities, talents and ministry experiences to help serve and educate the young of the world.
As a Salesian, the Brother is first and foremost an educator, dedicated by vow to the overall advancement of the young and working class people. Through ministry at church, in a school, or on a playground, the Brother reaches out and teaches the young through music and drama, art and technology, sports and education, counseling or the communications media. Yet the list of what Brothers do is as limitless as their talents and the needs of the young they are called by the Gospel and their vows to serve. As a member of the Salesian community, the brother receives his mission from the Church and from Don Bosco. In doing this, he lives out his baptismal calling.
Lay members of the Salesian Society bring the Gospel convincingly to places where priests might not go. In technical education, in crisis centers, in inner city playgrounds, and in guidance, the Salesian Brother easily identifies with the lives of the young, and is called to help them experience and respond to the love of Christ.
As a witness of faith, a Salesian Brother is one who recognizes the goodness and the value of the young he is called to serve. He is a man acting as a sign of God’s love for the young.